C: An Advanced Introduction (ANSI C Edition)
by Narain Gehani
ISBN 0-929306-17-1 1995 280 pages, Paperback $39.95 (US Dollars)
Author Bios: Gehani
Table of Contents:
- Introduction and Basics
- A Sample C Program
- Basics
- Constant Identifiers
- Exercises
- Types and Objects
- Simple Types
- Derived Types
- Type Definitions
- Scope of Tags and Type Definitions
- Object Definitions and Declarations
- Type Conversions
- Exercises
- Operators and Expressions
- Operators
- Operator Precedence Summary
- Expressions
- Exercises
- Control Flow
- The Null Statement
- The Expression Statement
- The Compound Statement or Block
- The if Statement
- The switch Statement
- Loops
- Statement Labels
- Jump Statements
- Exercises
- Functions and Complete Programs
- Function Declarations (Prototypes)
- Function Definitions
- Calling Functions
- Functions With Variable Number of Parameters
- Controlling Function Visibility
- Scope and Lifetime of Identifiers: An Example
- Input/Output
- Main Programs
- Examples
- . Exercises
- Independent Compilation and Data Abstraction
- Independent Compilation
- Abstract Data Types and Information Hiding
- Examples
- Exercises
- Exceptions
- Signals
- Setting Up Signal/Exception Handlers
- Generating/Sending Signals
- Examples
- Exercises
- The C Preprocessor
- Macro Definition and Invocation
- File Inclusion
- Conditional Compilation
- An Example
- Exercises
- One Final Example
- Appendix A: C++
- Class Declarations
- Other C++ Facilities
- Examples
- Exercises
- Appendix B: Concurrent C
- Overview of the Concurrent C Model
- Concurrent C Facilities: A Summary
- Examples
- Exercises
- Appendix C: Library Routines
- Diagnostic Routines
- Character Handling Routines
- Mathematical Routines
- Nonlocal Jump Routines
- Signal Handling Routines
- Macros to Handle Variable Number of Arguments
- Input/Output Routines
- General Utility Routines
- String Handling Routines
- Date and Time Functions
- Appendix D: Differences between ANSI C and K&R C
- General
- Preprocessor
- Constants
- Types
- Variable Declarations and Definitions
- Initialization
- Operators and Expressions
- Statements
- Functions
- Libraries
- Header Files
- Bibliography
- Index