From Gates To Apps
Edward G. Amoroso & Matthew E. Amoroso
Young programmers today need a more extensive understanding of computer systems than ever before. With this goal in mind, From Gates to Apps provides a comprehensive introduction to the most basic concepts, principles, and constructs of computer science. Specifically, readers can use this book for
- An in-depth explanation of underlying computer hardware
- Detailed discussion of machine and assembly language coding
- Learning about the most common programming language constructs
- Tutorial overview of operating systems including UNIX and Windows
- Design of networks, Internet, and mobile applications
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The Database Application Book Using The MySQL Database System
Narain Gehani
This book is ideal for a course on database applications or as a second book in a course on databases. It is a perfect companion for the software professional in the business of writing database applications. The author expects the reader to be familiar with relational database concepts. The open source MySQL database system is used to illustrate the writing of database applications.
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Usually ships within 24 hours!
The Database Book: Principles & Practice Using MySQL (2/E)
Narain Gehani
Learn how to use and design databases, make them hum, sing, and dance, and understand what makes them tick. A database is like an appliance that users need to understand and use as experts but they do not need to understand how to build the appliance.
Learn about databases without the burden of theorems, internal algorithms, and methods used to implement database systems.
The open source database MySQL is used for examples.
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Usually ships within 24 hours!
The Database Book: Principles & Practice Using the Oracle Database
Narain Gehani & Melliya Annamalai
Learn how to use and design databases, make them hum, sing, and dance, and understand what makes them tick. A database is like an appliance that users need to understand and use as experts but they do not need to understand how to build the appliance. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of database principles and practice. The author teaches databases without burdening the reader with theorems and internal algorithms and methods used to implement database systems. The Oracle database system is used for the examples.
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Usually ships within 24 hours!
Bell Labs: Life in the Crown Jewel
Narain Gehani
Gehani's story of the greatest research lab of the 20th
century -- America's national treasure and
corporate crown jewel --
will keep you
riveted to reading about a way of life possibly gone forever.
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