C For Basic Programmers
by T. D. Brown, Jr.
ISBN 0-9615336-1-7 1987 210 pages, Paperback $34.95 (US Dollars)
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Interpreters versus Compilers
- A Quick Tour of the C Language
- Final Comments
- Exercises
- BASIC Facilities Present in C and Vice Versa
- General Comments about C
- Basics (Elements) of C
- Fundamental Types
- Derived Types
- Operators & Expressions
- Variable Initialization
- Statements
- Functions
- Input/Output
- Commonly Used Input/Output Functions
- Error Trapping
- Program Termination
- Accessing Operating System Facilities
- Calling Other Language Routines
- Exercises
- C Facilities not in BASIC
- C Preprocessor
- Type Definitions
- Fundamental Types
- Enumeration Types
- Derived Types
- Functions
- Storage Classes
- Variable Initialization
- Exercises
- Functions & Files
- Function Definitions
- Function Declarations
- Function Calls
- Argument Passing
- Function Result & Completion
- Recursion
- Static Variables
- Communication Between Functions
- Function Names as Arguments
- Independent Compilation
- Examples
- Exercises
- Pointers
- Allocating & Deallocating Storage
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Lists: An Example of Pointer Use
- Pointers & Arrays
- Dynamic Arrays
- Examples
- Exercises
- C PreProcessor
- Macro Definitions
- Sets: An Example of Parameterized Macros
- File Inclusion
- Conditional Compilation
- Avoiding Multiple File Inclusions
- Exercises
- Large Examples
- The Bank Teller Program
- The Text Formatter
- Exercises
- BASIC Facilities Not in C
- BASIC Interpreter Commands
- BASIC Non-Input/Output Statements
- BASIC Input/Output Statements
- Extended Screen & Keyboard Control
- Exercises
- Appendix 1: C Library Functions
- Storage Allocation
- Character Manipulation
- String Processing
- Input/Output
- Interaction with the Operating System
- Math Library
- ASCII Character Set
- Bibliography
- Index