Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++ (2nd Edition)
by Sartaj Sahni
ISBN 0-929306-32-5 2004 830 pages, Paperback $89.95 (US Dollars)
Author Bios: Sahni
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1 C++ Review
- Introduction
- Functions and Parameters
- Exceptions
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Your Very Own Data Type
- The Exception Class illegalParameterValue
- Recursion
- The Standard Templates Library
- Testing and Debugging
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 2 Performance Analysis
- What Is Performance?
- Space Complexity
- Time Complexity
- Chapter 3 Asymptotic Notation
- Introduction
- Asymptotic Notation
- AsymptoticMathematics (Optional)
- Complexity Analysis Examples
- Practical Complexities
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 4 Performance Measurement of Programs
- Introduction
- Choosing Instance Size
- Developing the Test Data
- Setting Up the Experiment
- Your Cache and You
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 5 Linear Lists - Array Representation
- Data Objects and Structures
- The Linear List Data Structure
- Array Representation
- Vector Representation
- Multiple Lists in a Single Array
- Performance Measurement
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 6 Linear Lists - Linked Representation
- Singly Linked Lists and Chains
- Circular Lists and Header Nodes
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Glossary of Linked List Terms
- Applications
- Chapter 7 Arrays and Matrices
- Arrays
- Matrices
- Special Matrices
- Sparse Matrices
- Chapter 8 Stacks
- Definition and Applications
- The Abstract Data Type
- Array Representation
- Linked Representation
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 9 Queues
- Definition and Applications
- The Abstract Data Type
- Array Representation
- Linked Representation
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 10 Skip Lists and Hashing
- Dictionaries
- The Abstract Data Type
- Linear List Representation
- Skip List Representation (Optional)
- Hash Table Representation
- An Application - Text Compression
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 11 Binary and Other Trees
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- Properties of Binary Trees
- Representation of Binary Trees
- Common Binary Tree Operations
- Binary Tree Traversal
- The ADT BinaryTree
- The Class LinkedBinaryTree
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 12 Priority Queues
- Definition and Applications
- The Abstract Data Type
- Linear Lists
- Heaps
- Leftist Trees
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 13 Tournament Trees
- Winner Trees and Applications
- The ADT WinnerTree
- Winner Tree Implementation
- Loser Trees
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 14 Binary Search Trees
- Definitions
- Abstract Data Types
- Binary Search Tree Operations and Implementation
- Binary Search Trees with Duplicates
- Indexed Binary Search Trees
- Applications
- Chapter 15 Balanced Search Trees
- AVL Trees
- Red-Black Trees
- Splay Trees
- B-Trees
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 16 Graphs
- Definitions
- Applications and More Definitions
- Properties
- The ADT Graph
- Representation of Unweighted Graphs
- Representation of Weighted Graphs
- Class Implementations
- Graph Search Methods
- Applications Revisited
- Chapter 17 The Greedy Method
- Optimization Problems
- The Greedy Method
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 18 Divide and Conquer
- The Method
- Applications
- Solving Recurrence Equations
- Lower Bounds on Complexity
- Chapter 19 Dynamic Programming
- The Method
- Applications
- References and Selected Readings
- Chapter 20 Backtracking (On the Web)
- Chapter 21 Branch and Bound (On the Web)