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Melliya Annamalai

Dr. Melliyal Annamalai is a database expert, researcher, and developer. She has worked at Oracle for over 12 years, primarily working on projects related to the management of non-relational types of data in the database, such as imaging data, multimedia data, and semantic data. She began her career at Oracle with the development of high-performance image management architectures. Now, she defines the strategy and direction for database imaging features that include functionality for medical images and geospatial images. She has published several papers and regularly serves on program conference committees, W3C groups, and other standards bodies. She frequently speaks at seminars, conferences, training events, panels, Oracle technology days, user group meetings, and other forums. Dr. Annamalai is also deeply involved in improving access to high quality Science and IT education for students from less privileged backgrounds and locations around the world. She was awarded the prestigious Graduate Student Research Program Fellowship from NASA to pursue a PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University, which she received in 1997.

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